May 21, 2024

Hit the Right Notes: Top Ed Sheeran Songs Tailored for Young Singers’ Skill Development

Ed Sheeran has become one of the most popular singer-songwriters of this generation with his honest and relatable lyrics, catchy melodies, and wide vocal range. His songs have topped the charts around the world and connected with listeners of all ages. As a result, many young singers are interested in learning and performing Ed Sheeran songs. However, not all of his songs are equally suitable for young or developing voices. This article will explore some of Ed Sheeran’s best songs for young singers to learn, considering factors like vocal range, lyrical content, and overall popularity.

“Castle on the Hill”

Released in 2017, “Castle on the Hill” is one of Ed Sheeran’s most successful singles to date. The upbeat song tells a nostalgic story about looking back on childhood memories with friends. Its catchy melody and lyrics make it engaging for audiences of all ages. From a technical perspective, the vocal range sits comfortably for most young voices. While the chorus builds with power, the melody stays within a manageable tessitura. Lyrically, the themes of friendship and reminiscing on youth are highly relatable for young people. The positive message also makes it appropriate for most audiences. For these reasons, “Castle on the Hill” is an excellent choice for a young singer looking to showcase their vocal ability in an accessible, crowd-pleasing song. Its popularity also means audiences are very likely to be familiar with the tune.

“Thinking Out Loud”

One of Ed Sheeran’s most romantic ballads, “Thinking Out Loud” allows a singer to focus on beautiful phrasing and storytelling through the voice. Released in 2014, it became a massive commercial success and won numerous awards, including Grammys for Song of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance. Vocally, the melody sits comfortably in most male and female ranges, allowing a focus on breath and tone versus range-pushing acrobatics. Lyrically, the timeless message of finding love is inspiring without being overly complex or mature. For a young singer, this song is a great pick for developing expressiveness, control, and connection to an audience. While the lyrics require an understanding of romance, the overall sentiment remains positive and uplifting.


Released in 2017, “Perfect” quickly became one of Ed Sheeran’s signature love songs due to its catchy melody and romantic lyrics describing finding the perfect person. While the chorus builds vocally, the overall range sits well within most young male and female voices. Lyrically, the message of finding acceptance and unconditional love is highly relatable for all ages. The song also features a balance of soft, tender moments complemented by more energized sections. This allows a young singer to showcase different colors in their voice. “Perfect” remains one of Ed Sheeran’s most popular songs globally due to its crossover appeal. For these reasons, it’s an excellent choice for a young performer to connect with both young and mature audiences.


Released in 2014, “Sing” is one of Ed Sheeran’s most inspirational anthems about the power of music. Its lyrics encourage listeners to find their voice and not be afraid to use it. Vocally, the melody sits comfortably in most ranges without big vocal gymnastics. Lyrically, the message of empowerment and overcoming fears of self-expression are highly relatable for young performers. While the lyrics reference more mature subjects like heartbreak, the overall sentiment focuses on the uplifting ability of music. For these reasons, “Sing” allows a young singer to share an inspiring message without complexity in range or content. Its universal theme of empowerment also connects well with audiences of all backgrounds.

“The A Team”

Released in 2011, “The A Team” was one of Ed Sheeran’s early hits and demonstrated his talent for intricate melodies and storytelling through song. Vocally, it offers more of a challenge than some of his other material with its complex melodic shape. However, with practice, most young voices can navigate the core parts of the song. Lyrically, it tells a poignant story about homelessness and addiction which may require more maturity to perform convincingly. While a heavier subject matter, the message focuses on friendship and human compassion. For a young singer ready for a new technical challenge or who connects deeply with the lyrics, “The A Team” allows room to grow musically while sharing an impactful story.

Additional Tips for Learning Ed Sheeran Songs

Beyond selecting the right song based on a young singer’s current abilities, there are some additional tips that can help them have a successful experience learning and performing Ed Sheeran’s material:

Find a song that you truly connect with emotionally. This will make it much easier to sing with feeling and conviction. Don’t be afraid to try different songs to find the right fit.

Pay close attention to the lyrics and try to understand the core message or story being conveyed. This will help deliver the song in a compelling way that resonates with listeners.

Practice regularly in a focused way. Set aside time each week to work on breathing, diction, dynamics, phrasing, and other technical aspects specific to that song. The more reps, the more comfortable it will become.

Experiment with different vocal techniques. Try adjusting the tone, adding vibrato or riffs, speeding up sections, and more. This will help discover your most authentic interpretation.

Consider the best key for your current vocal range. Don’t be afraid to transpose if needed to ensure comfortability and consistency.

Have fun! Singing should be an enjoyable creative outlet. Connecting to the joy of music will translate to engaged performances.

Record yourself and get feedback from teachers. Outside perspectives can provide guidance for continuous growth and goal-setting.

With the right song selection, diligent practice, and a focus on the artistic process, learning Ed Sheeran’s material can be a highly rewarding experience for developing young singers. His songs offer a wide range of technical and creative challenges while maintaining broad appeal. With passion and hard work, his music is fully accessible to nurture young talents.

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